I've decided to start putting logs on Jeff site because he doesn't put anything here anymore. If he ever does then maybe I'll stop...but here goes.
Day 1 Dec 9, 2005
Well today has been a long day and I'm tired. I woke up early this morning because I decided to make a point of it...I'm totally regretting my decision now...unfortunately getting up earlier is going to be my new years resolution, and in four weeks it'll be the first of the year...I can't give up till then...what else are resolutions good for.
So I loaded a bunch of payment files...actually just one, it just took a long time...and then I ran into some problems with some other stuff...but really, who wants to talk about that:)
In and hour and a half I get off and am going to a dinner with some people from work. Someone is having Italian at their house. Should be fun. I'm hoping they have beer. I know they have wine. But actually, one of the people in attendance makes his own beer. -His name is Justin...maybe you've heard of him...he plays in a band.- So he gave me a beer to try but it's still in my fridge. That was over a year ago...I don't think I should drink it. Anyway, I suppose he'll bring some to the party and I can try it...I've heard it's good, but all he makes are pale ales, so you have to be in the mood.
Anyway, I can tell you about the party tomorrw. Maybe I'll even tell you about my oil change...oooh, exciting...bet you can't wait!