Zachary Michael Jones
5 pounds 10 ounces
19 inches
To Mike and Jodi Jones
at 10:22 am
Photos of Zach
Posted Messages
Congratulations, Mike and Jodi! Zach is a beautiful little boy.
Jeff and Mary Beth
Congratulations, Jodi & Mike Zachary is a little cutie Sharon B
Thanks for the new Grandson, Love You
Grandpa & Grandma
You have to be so proud of that little guy. He sure is cute. Jodi get better soon & Mike we hope you get some sleep. Looking forward to seeing him.
Fred & Colleen
Congratulations. Enjoy my little nephew. Heal quickly Jodi. Call me if you need me. I love you guys! From Zachary's favorite Auntie :)
Auntie Vicki
Congrats on your new addition. Best of luck to all of you. (Kathy Timm's Daughter)
Mandy Timm
Congratulations Mike and Jodi!!! Zachary is a beautiful baby. Enjoy every moment for the grow up sooo very fast.
Sam and Jessica Schneider
Congratulations! I can't wait to meet my new cousin. The pictures sure look cute, but what is that thing on his shirt?
The pictures are really cute, and he is even cuter in person. But, Bill thinks he would look better in green and gold. Hope we see you soon.
Chris & Bill
Congratulations--I remember when you were that little Mike--wasn't it just yesterday? Enjoy him every minute because time goes so fast.
JoAnn and Jim
On Wednesday my Tivo started acting odd. Mary Beth was at home watching live TV and flipping channels when suddenly all of the outputs went black. Menus still appeared and worked correctly and the Tivo lights also worked correctly. The red light still appeared whenever a show was scheduled to record. However, when it recorded a show it would have no length. When a program was selected to play it would display a black screen and immediately pop up the end of program message.
I used the system reboot option hoping that would fix the problem. It appeared that nothing had changed. I later found out that it did begin recording after the system reboot but did not allow display.
After looking online I found that you should "Power Cycle". This is very simple. Unplug your Tivo unit from the wall for 20 seconds and then plug it back in. After doing this everything worked correctly. I was now able to view recordings and live TV. This is when I found out that programs recorded after the system reboot could also be viewed.
If you live in the midwest as of March 1st you can request your free annual credit report.
Free Credit Report
It's best to request them throughout the year. So request one now and another one in about four months.
Oh, and if you're wondering why I'm linking with the phrase "Free Credit Report" it's because so many organizations have tried to take the top search engine place that I'm hoping to help boost the legitimate sites page ranking.
Lately we've been trying to figure out how to accommodate all of our cooking knives. This item would seem to be an interesting option for spare knives.
via BoingBoing Voodoo knife rack in shape of a person