Here’s a moral question. Well sort of. Whenever anyone sneezes at work there is a quick response over the cube walls of “Bless you”. The air in our area seems to encourage sneezing. I usually sneeze two or three times a day. When the company moved half of the employees on our floor a few months ago, another employee was moved into the area that originally was located half way across the floor. Even he has started sneezing on a daily basis. Let’s just say that everyone in the area sneezes a lot.
So, now to the question.
Originally I though saying “Bless you” was odd. It dates back to a medieval practice. They believed that sneezing was your body’s way of expelling evil spirits. By blessing the person the evil spirit could not return. After I read that information I didn’t want to continue the practice and stapped saying it. Well, MB informed me that it was rude not to say it and that the practice no longer was intended to stop evil spirits and was instead a polite nicety. So now I say “Bless you”. But in a childish manner in my head I think “with sneezes”. So in a manner I've changed the polite exchange into a curse.
So the actual question is.
Have I been causing all of the sneezing in my area? Should I stop this childish act that I only started doing in college?