So, it' s a Thursday. I turned in my Ethics paper on the Food Lion case. Don't worry if you don't know what I'm talking about. The paper was only suppose to be three pages long and mine ended up spilling on to a fifth page. I probably could have made it go for ten pages if I had changed the settings to their largest size that the class allowed.
I also got back my Ethics mid-term today. I ended up with a C. A regular old flat C. However, I have already completed enough extra credit to change the grade to a flat (one whole grade higher). Sounds good to me.
I also got back my Hitchcock paper. I recieved a 92 out of a 100. That means an A. I wasn't so sure about how this paper was going to turn out. I guess I didn't need to worry to much about it.
Believe it or not I also got back my Interviewing mid-term too. I ended up with a B+. Not bad, but I was hoping for better. It's an easy class.
My Java mid-term didn't go as well as I thought it was going to. The mid-term had five questions on it. I only finished four of them. I barely had any time left to even start the last problem. I don't think it will affect my final grade to much in the class though. The mid-term was only worth fifteen percent. So one problem is only worth three percent o fmy final grade. I can still get a A in the
My next Java assignment looks like it is going to be tough. It is one long problem that creates a accounting program. I can not wait to wake up early and go to lab. Yeah.
This week is Madison's spring break. So, Shenaz should be in town. I haven't had a chance to see if she is around yet.
I'm going to go to sleep now. Later.
Posted by Jeff at March 16, 2000 12:00 PM