October 04, 2000

Changing Buildings

I went in to work expecting to spend four or five hours and ended up spending almost eight. There was only 180 some e-mails that needed a response. I answered just over 100 of them. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow.

My department is moving to a new building this Friday. One of the programmers has been out of town for a couple of weeks and asked me to pack up his cubicle for him. It took almost three hours to place all of his piles of paper into four very large boxes. He is a stacker. A person who keeps everything they own in piles. Unfortunately his piles are not organized or very neatly stacked. I was able to identify where some of the piles started and ended. For the other piles I just kind of guessed.

I get to pack my desk tomorrow, since I don't work on Fridays. I'm guessing that it will only take about half an hour to clean and organize my desk. It'll be a cinch.

Posted by Jeff at October 4, 2000 10:55 PM