September 01, 2002

Noir Movie Reviews

Movie Review

Film Noir time

Four and a Half of Five Stars

Out of the Past

This is a great example of film noir. This film was engaging and suspenseful. Even the ending keeps in tune with the dark film. Plus it doesn’t hurt to see an older film on the big screen. This film stars Robert Mitchum, one of the best actors of his time. He plays a man that is trying to escape his past. This film is constantly dark and delivers what it promises.

Three and a Half of Five Stars

Criss Cross

And then, more film noir in the same night. It doesn’t get much better then that. “Criss Cross” doesn’t quite live up to the same level as “Out of the Past”, but it still does ok. This is another dark story of a man that is unable to escape his past and even more so his future. It revolves around a plan gone wrong and is worth a watch.

Posted by Jeff at September 1, 2002 03:26 PM