So, just before 1AM this morning we were woken up by the sound of the doorbell. At first neither MB nor I knew why we were awake. A quick glance out the window confirmed that there was a very bright light being shined on our house. For an instant I though that maybe we had won some type of prize. Then the fact that it was 1 in the morning and there was a police car outside sunk in. I quickly put on some pants and went to the front door.
I was greeted by two firemen who indicated that they had been sent because a neighbor had called because they had smelled gas in the neighborhood. As soon as they said that I realized that I could smell gas. Not having put on any slippers my left foot was getting cold standing on the front steps.
The firemen indicated that they were glad that we had answered the door since in situations involving gas you don't want to receive no response. They continued to search the yard for a few minutes and indicated that the gas seemed to be coming from the side of the house. They then asked to check the house, specifically the basement. They did a quick check upstairs and then proceeded to the basement. They crawled through the crawl space and checked where the gas line enters the house and found no signs of gas.
They did a few more checks outside while they waited of the gas company to come and check on the situation. They then received a call that indicated that it would be another hour until the gas company would arrive. So they had us sign paper work that indicated that they had been there and left. By now it was 2AM.
So we watched some late night cartoons and waited for the gas company to arrive. They arrived at about 10 minutes to 3AM. He performed a few checks on the meter outside and indicated that there was a small leak there. He then came in and performed a few checks in the basement. Everything was normal in the house.
He let me know that the meter on the house would need to be repaired. They would most likely be by in two to three days. Apparently gas leaks are often noticed in the winter since the smells carry farther.
So, that's why I'm tired today.
Posted by Jeff at January 15, 2004 01:48 PM